13:00 - 15:00 UTC
The participants included representatives from the public sector as well as local businesses, who were engaged by the Mayor of Minucciano.
Number of participants: 13
MAIN TOPICS DISCUSSED - Please List them briefly
The Region of Tuscany, along with its technical assistance partner XR8, outlined the objectives of the B4M Project and the events to be organized on-site. The upcoming events include: a session with the Architecture students on November 19th, and a targeted event with the local community and citizens of Minucciano on December 14th
MAIN ACTION POINTS - Please List them briefly
1) To organize the visit of the University, with 40-45 students, on November 19th to Gramolazzo and the excavation sites in Minucciano.
2) To schedule the participatory event on December 14th
3) Following this meeting, to continue with bilateral communications, through direct channels, between the parties present and, where applicable, those who were unable to attend but wish to participate in the initiative.
4) Formal establishment of the local node.