In June 2024, Burgas Municipality started the process of establishing the Local Unit for Climate Adaptation and Sustainability. This informal taskforce aims to support the administration in its efforts to achieve Burgas climate goals.
The application process was public and on- line, with a set of minimum requirement for the experts related to education, expertise, experience -
At the end of 2024, selection committee reviewed applications based on established criteria, ensuring a balanced representation of all relevant sectors. 25 members are selected and approved.
Key functions of the Local Resilience and Climate Adaptation Unit:
Analysis and planning:
Undertake analysis and assessments of climate-related potential risks and vulnerabilities specific to the area.
Participate in the development and updating of climate adaptation plans, strategies, concepts, models, integrating climate risk assessments and ensuring alignment with regional and national strategies.
Assist in facilitating stakeholder engagement processes to ensure broad community, expert and government input and participation in the process of enhancing climate resilience and adaptation to climate change and mitigating the negative impacts of climate risks.
Policy development and implementation:
Identifies and proposes appropriate measures, tools, activities, initiatives to enhance societal resilience to climate change and challenges.
Participates in the development of local policies and regulations to promote climate resilience, including land use planning and development of the municipality's urbanized and non-urbanized areas building codes, sustainable infrastructure related to reducing the negative effects of climate change, and environmental protection measures.
Advise the municipal administration in the planning and implementation of environmentally sound solutions to enhance the climate resilience of the urban ecosystem.
Oversee the implementation of climate adaptation projects and initiatives, ensuring that they meet set objectives and comply with relevant standards, directives and regulations.
Support the integration and alignment of municipal and national policies with civil society, business and NGO interests.
Cooperation and coordination:
Support coordination at local level to ensure a coherent approach to climate resilience.
Regional and national liaison: Liaises with regional and national bodies to align local initiatives with broader climate goals and provide necessary support.
Encourage partnerships with private sector actors, NGO, academic institutions, civil society communities and associations, professional organizations to leverage additional resources and expertise.
Monitoring and evaluation:
Monitoring progress: Establish mechanisms to monitor and quantify progress, including the development of clear and measurable key indicators to assess resilience and the level of adaptation, as well as the performance of climate adaptation initiatives and activities and evaluate their effectiveness. Configuration of regular monitoring and evaluation systems, including technological tools for data collection and software analysis.
Impact evaluation: Develop various evaluation and reporting mechanisms to measure effectiveness and ensure transparency and accountability of its actions. It conducts regular assessments to measure the impact of implemented measures on enhancing local resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate impacts.
Vulnerability assessment: Carry out regular assessments to analyze vulnerability by identifying risk areas, sectors and vulnerable groups. This assessment supports annual community priorities and the focusing of resources on areas of greatest need.
Reporting. Prepare and disseminate reports on the activities, progress and results of the department to stakeholders and the general public.
Public engagement and education:
Public Awareness Campaigns: Organize education and awareness campaigns to raise community awareness of climate risks and the importance of climate change adaptation measures.
Citizen participation: Encouraging the active participation of citizens, in particular those with relevant experience and competence in the required field, in decision-making processes and project implementation.
Capacity Building: Organize trainings and info days for community members, local businesses and municipal staff to build local capacity for climate adaptation and resilience.
Resource mobilisation:
Funding and grants: Identify and secure funding opportunities, including grants and loans, to support climate adaptation projects.
Budget Allocation: Advise City Council on the allocation of local budget resources for climate resilience initiatives.
Innovative Financing: Explore and implement innovative financing mechanisms, such as energy cooperatives or public-private financing models, to support long-term adaptation efforts.
Crowdfunding and community-based financing - Campaigns to raise funding for small projects and initiatives that have broad public support and are related to climate change adaptation.
This core unit will be further complemented with relevant stakeholders (e.g. HOAs, schools, kindergartens, etc.) depending on each individual project.